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Box Up Your Pairings!

In my previous tutorials, especially in the Grape Tasting, I showed you how to classify white wines and red wines based on their acidity for whites and tannins for reds. If you haven’t read that yet, here is a little reminder:

From that, I will now give you a great tool for remembering which wines you should pair with what food, no more embarrassing nights out with the boss handing you the wine list, you will become a champion for pairings!

For those who are skeptical about this system, I am sure you will find a couple of odd wines out there that don’t fit in it, my purpose isn’t to revolution the world of wine, just to offer a system that probably works 95% of the time. For the remaining 5%, you might need to think outside the boxes…and to read my expanded guides. Have fun guys, this is the Box Pairing System!

White Wines: 3 Boxes to Remember...

Red Wines: 3 Boxes to Know...

There you go guys, I really hope this helps you finding the best pairing with your next meal! In case you want to take it home and work on it, feel free to download the PDF version below.


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